Saturday, August 2, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Last night I went to the Breaking Dawn midnight release party--and I've gotta say, I prefer the Harry Potter ones. When it comes to HP, Borders really knows how to throw a party, but for Stephenie Meyer books? I'm wishing I'd just gone to WalMart or something...

Out of habit, I stayed up all night (of course; what else is the point of going to the midnight party?) and I wish I had just gone to bed and read later. Of course, I was so out of it that I only got about 530 pages in TEN HOURS. Usually, I could've gotten at least another hundred in there, but, there you go. Still got another two hundred to go, so... I'll take a break. I'm leaving it for another day or two. Just thought I'd complain and mention that I'm not looking forward to the two-week break until the next SGA episode (SG geek that I am).

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